Friday, March 30, 2007

It doesn't seem like a week ago that I wrote my last weekly review; time is really flying.

I haven't had the best week physically as I have had a few minor irritations, and I finished it off with a pretty decent case of gastroenteritis in the past 18 hours. However I now have 2 days to lie around and relax - and tomorrow afternoon we are checking in to the Stamford Plaza to use the pool/spa/sauna and have some "us' time.

Training week was pretty good and despite the physical issues I have held up pretty well. In summary I did 4-5 reps at;

Squat - 90kgs

Bench - 52.5kgs

Dead 115kgs

The deadlift is a little lower than I would have liked, but the other 2 lifts are a little ahead of where I thought I would be.

Weight is stable, and only 3 weeks to go.

I finished my financial year at work yesterday, and the next quarter is nicely set. I will rest this weekend, and from Monday everything is about the lifting. I am ready!


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