Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Inner Beauty

I woke this morning thinking about how what is on our inside reflects strongly on the outside. The reason for my thoughts was a discussion I had with a friend just before I went to bed last, and an incident with her teenage daughter. When I opened my eyes after sleeping well, my mind went back to the discussion and my immediate thought was that I bet there wasn't much sleep in her house last night. I know my friend well, and the "discussion" with her daughter would have been intense, loud and dramatic. Her daughter is strong and stubborn so it would have come from both sides.
Neither of them would have slept well and the stress monster would have been churning all night long. This morning she will have bags and sadness in her face that won't do her any favours. She will skip breakfast and go to work in a bad mood and will inadvertently spread that negativity all morning. At morning tea she will talk about the incident over a coffee with a work mate, and eat a muffin because she is now starving as her appetite is back.
So she has let herself be stressed for hours on end, has had no or little sleep, skipped healthful meals and ended up putting only ageing foods into her body.
Sometimes horrible things happen, but if you react like this to everyday stresses - like a petty fight over your teenage daughter not calling you - you are creating an ugly inner you.
It may seem flippant to suggest that we should handle our conflicts differently so they don't reflect on our faces and on our butts, however we don't seem to pay attention to the fact that treating our minds and insides badly will cause health issues. So when you look at that bottle of wine and plate of dips after a tough day, or when you wake after tossing all night and you tell yourself you can't face eggs for breakfast let alone take your fish oil, I want you to remember one thing; an ugly inside equals an ugly outside!
I want to leave you with a quote from the fabulous Krista Schaus....

"Patience. You must be patient and allow the fat loss process time, as often our most stubborn areas are the last to go. Often we bail out or give up on a method or protocol if we don't see immediate results. Remember that what you see visually on the outside is a reflection of what's going on inside physiologically, so give the process time to work from the inside out. "Krista Schaus


Anonymous said...

Another fantastic post Lisa

Cant wait for those E Books!!


Lisa said...

Ha Ha Jac....I am writing now as you read!

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!! When are you hoping to get them out??!!No pressure ( ha ha)


Charlotte Orr said...

Hi Lisa, this reminds me of something I read recently by Scott Abel:
If your outer world is a reflection of your inner world then know that you are the “roots” of all that is in your life. Your results are your “fruits”
Really enjoying reading your posts lately.

Lisa said...

Charlotte, I love that quote.

Pleased you are enjoying my posts, as I dedided it was time to put down in writing my experience and beliefs after 10 years of chasing the "ideal body"

Lisa said...

Jac, I am hoping to have the e-books ready to launch in mid December...hoping anyway.

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