Saturday, February 24, 2007

This was me yesterday. I find by the time I get to Saturday I have nothing left. I went to yoga at 10am, and then drove all over the city dropping off and picking up my family. I then feel asleep at about 7.30pm with a headache and sore joints and muscles.

I have my last "free meal" on Friday night - 8 weeks out from the States. We went to the Bali Grill which specialises in healthy food, so I ate well - just more than what I would normally do.

I was about to go out for walk this morning - but it is raining, so I will just walk over to the cafe and get a long black and a newspaper. Might do something later - or not.


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I am loving my week. Work has slowed to a reasonable pace, I am back training hard, and I went back to yoga yesterday. I have really missed the physical challenge of Bikram, not to mention the balance it brings to my life.

I have also had a weight drop, and in fact I am the lowest I have been (dehydrated for a comp weigh-in aside) for over 12 months. This is great given the muscle gain as well. So 4kgs to make my weight category - I am so happy.

I am absolutely enjoying this feeling of calm and peace, as it is sure to pass soon enough and the reality of heavy weights and making weight will pound my body and mind. But today that doesn't matter as it is a great day.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


I am incredibly happy that at training this morning I was back squatting well, and I have officially started preparation for the State titles. I was doing 6-8 reps at 65/70kgs and all was good. There has been no apparent loss of strength with my time off, and it felt sensational. I will deadlift heavy as well, however my bench will need to lag behind until I am fully recovered.
I thought very hard about my food and diet and I am approaching it with renewed vigour and am totally confident i will make the lower weight category. I am also about to buy a new deadlift suit which is very exciting - should give me another 5kgs

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Well I think it is time to serve up the truth to myself (thanks Andj) on my quest to qualify for world titles. I need to drop a weight class and to lift a total of 320 kgs. My lifts are improving, and I have States and Nationals to lift the qualifying totals. I can make time in my work schedule to train so I am confident that I will have the best attempts possible.
Dropping the 5kgs is another matter. When I was bodybuilding I would drop 10kgs over the prep time, however since powerlifting that has changed. I have gained significant muscle, so I am heavier making my goal more difficult. I am unable to do extensive cardio to drop weight as I need to lift well, and I need to eat well to perform as well. I also sit at a very tidy 58kgs and am very happy with my physical appearance - so maybe the desire is not there anymore.
I eat clean all the time, so I just need to reduce calories - but which ones do I choose? I refuse to go back to those feelings of hunger, self doubt and body image self loathing when I was doing figure (not that it was always bad). I am an athlete and I need to eat to perform and appearance is irelevant - ironically I am in the best shape of my life!

However I need to sacrifice to reach my goal - is contentment slowing me down? I'd love some help.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

I was asked yesterday what "work" I have had done lately, as my skin has been radiant in the past couple of months. I have been doing everything the same - weekly sauana's, acupuncture, massage, clean food, green tea, occassional facials and the usual training. However after I thought about it I have changed my skin care to Kosmea, which is all based on organic rose hip oil. I noticed the difference myself, but to have a work colleague describe me as glowing was a real boost. I turn 40 this year, and I am so please that all this clean living a devotion to wellness is paying off.

The best thing about this range of skincare is that it is Aust owned and very well priced!


Well I don't really feel like I have super strength right now, but I figure if I tell myself I do than I am sure to believe it! Busy week from all aspects of my life. Work is just consistantly out of control - hmm.

Training is coming along nicely and I did some upper body stuff this week, as well as my first spin class in a while. I am still sore of course, but I am hoping to be back in full training in 2 weeks or so. It is 9 weeks tomorrow to States, so I do need to start getting into "the zone".

I had a very relaxing and enjoyable Valentine's dinner with my husband, and decided before hand that would be my last treat meal until States. I need to focus on making my weight category, as it it won't really matter how well I lift if I don't make weight!

Off to get coffee and then training.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I am sure we have all been here before. DOMS after the return to training! Just 2 weeks with no real training and a few sets of light squats, lunges and sumo deadlift and I can barely walk.

I go back tomorrow for some more too!

Last saturday I watched a powerlifting competition at Qld Uni. It was great to be watching and not lifting. Although I am really looking forward to the States in April I realise it is such a taxing sport both physically and mentally that a few comps a year is more than enough. My coach was lifting and he is not in top form yet, however he squatted 215kg, and did a 230kg dead. Not bad for a 72kg guy!

My weight has dropped a little (including my recent enhancement), so I am only 4.5kgs from my weight category goal for states in 9/1 weeks time.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Far Infrared Sauna Therapy Health Benefits
Far infrared saunas have shown to assist in weight loss, pain management, skin purification, detoxification and stress reduction . Solocarbon® Far infrared sauna therapy surrounds the body and penetrates deeply into joints, muscles and tissues, speeding oxygen flow and increasing circulation. Natural body healing with Sunlight Saunas® therapy leads to a healthier lifestyle for you and those around you.
Far-infrared cellular purification
Dr. Toshiko Yamazaki, MD owns an Far-infrared therapy clinic in Japan where she has done extensive research on the uses of Far Infrared Therapy or Infrared Light Therapy. In her book, "The Science of Far-Infrared Therapies," she explains that one of the reasons Far Infrared Therapy has beneficial results in a variety of illnesses is the ability of Far-infrared waves to remove toxins with mercury detoxification, which is often at the core of many health problems. Since humans are bio-accumulators, numerous toxins that disturb natural body healing and cannot be removed immediately after entry are stored in our bodies and prevent future natural body healing.
I use far infrared saunas on a regular basis for recovery, pain management, weight control and most importantly general wellness and balance. I do get bad fluid retention on a regular basis and a session at the sauna really helps to manager that too. There is a stack of information on the web site at Sunlight Saunas.
Have fun and get HOT.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

I am very pleased to say that I am having a very speeding recovery. Thanks to all who have asked how it is going. I had my stiches out 8 days after my operation, and I have been cleared to wear a bra (non underwire), and am permitted to go back to limited training.

I am a very happy girl! I have been on the recline bike at the gym, but today I am back with my coach training! OBVIOUSLY I need to take it easy and will be doing light work, and will be tightly strapped - but it was a huge physcological lift for me. I didn't even have to ask when I could go back to training, it was offered under strict conditions!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

I am off to Sydney for 3 days today. I have quite a few crucial meetings and presentations,and I am really looking forward to it. I am staying at the Marriott, which is great as the gym is good and they have a "healthy options" menu. Tofu for dinner and egg whites for breakfast!
I am feeling better again today and my recovery is going according to plan. I decided to get on the scales this morning, and was very pleased to see that 4 days after my augementation and still holding fluid I am only 1kg heavier. What a relief that my body is stable!
Off to the airport.

Friday, February 02, 2007

I am now in day 3 of my recovery from a breast augementation operation. I feel a lot better that what I had expected. There is very little pain, and swelling, and while I am taking it easy I feel incredible.

Obvioulsy I will be off training for a while, however I will get back to doing some leg work, mainly isometrics, next week to keep my leg strength up. I also will do light cardio soon and increase it as I recover. I am hoping to be able to do light bench by 4 week, and my deadlift will need to wait until then too due to the pull by the arms. I am planning on making the State tiltes in April, but if I need to wait till Nationals in July to compete I will.

A quick thanks to Lia,, who has recently had the same procedure and has been a wonderful source of information and support.

My Mum is visiting me, and is waiting for me to take her out for a short walk and a coffee.

See you soon


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