Sunday, October 28, 2007

I did a 2 hour squat session on Saturday! In that time I was probably only working for 10-20 mins, but it was my first session in a while with suit and knee wraps - which means more effort, heavier weights and longer rests. After warming up and getting into the gear (which I think amused some of the folk at Goodlife no end), I did a warm up at 70kgs and 80kgs, then sets of 3 reps @ 90kgs. It felt great. It really hurt, but it felt great!!! I really needed a killer squat session to boost my confidence, and I now feel very excited about my squatting. I am looking forward to nailing my deadlift this week, and my focus will be complete. I am also having some consistent weight decreases which means I have hit the "sweet spot" on my diet. It is all about consistency and faith.

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