Friday, September 19, 2008

This weekend it is time to pack. I am taking 2 bags with me, one is my lifting bag with lifting equipment and team tracksuit etc, and the second is my personal gear. I am going to have to be very selective with my personal items as I only have 20kgs for 3 weeks, and I will no doubt want to bring some things home as well. Most of the time I will be in class, training or doing sight seeing and we will have facilities to do laundry so it while I might get sick of wearing the same clothes I think I can easily fit it into 20kgs. It is the end of summer in the US and Canada so at least I don't have to take jackets and gear for cold weather.

I do my last deadlift tomorrow, and I haven't deadlifted since last Friday so it seems like such a long break; which is a good thing. I really have no concept of where my deadlift is at. I have had my technique corrected these last 8 weeks, and I am hopeful that this will see a strength increase as I really have plateaued in the past 12 months. I am not lifting very heavy right now, and even tomorrow it won't be overly heavy - doubles at 120kgs. This is all about making sure the athlete peaks for the comp and not in training. I do feel relaxed and certainly not over trained as I am having plenty of rest in between training.

My weight is still holding up at about 62kgs, and while I am getting a little frustrated to not have seen at least a 500gm drop I will stick to my plan and I am sure to be rewarded over the next 10 days - so still plenty of time to drop enough to not have to sauna.

Anyway off for a long over due sauna!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you packed yet or as you still procrastinating? LOL!! ;o)

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