Monday, January 05, 2009

Going up a dress size..

Ok, so I have never been a Size O (although at my very first figure comp I was 48kgs so maybe I was), but it is time to clean the wardrobe out and go up a dress size. During my off season I have added some fat - maybe 3kgs, but the truth of the matter is that I have been doing some pretty fierce training over the past 12 months I am not the size I was this time last year. In fact I am about the same body fat % but about 5kgs heavier. Now that is a lean mass increase, so I am not saying I have put in 5kgs of muscle, but however you measure it it is a definite dress size bigger. Try as I may my arms, back and butt just will not fit comfortably into the clothes I have in my wardrobe. There is nothing worse than having clothes that don't fit, as the act of trying to get them on simply makes you feel huge.

I have always loved growing and getting bigger as I train my muscles to be strong and powerful; I think I am born to be strong. At 161cm I am on the small side and have until last year competed at 56kgs, so all in all I have been "small" through it all even with a few kgs of fat on in the off season. However things are now different. I compete at 60kgs and my off season weight is above that, and I am getting BIG. My upper body is getting BIG. It is an adjustment that I struggle with sometimes, and having clothes that don't fit bring attention to my growth. So today I am shopping for clothes a that fit.


Splice said...

But it's a great price to pay for getting big and gaining muscle! I say "well done"!

Stephanie Davis said...

Sometimes we do need to remind ourselves of what we are actually trying to achieve to know whether or not we are succeeding- that is great, well done!
Oh and looking forward to catching up with you again on the 17th for some more RPM :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa - I'm in your category at the moment! I've gained and love it...i love my fat and my muscles - i've just posted some pics on my blog from 2008 - and to be honest - me at 50kg looks shocking - i'm a 60kg gal and proud of it!
see you in bris next week xxx

ps: I think you are fab - you my hero !

Magda said...

Hi Lisa,

I can appreciate how difficult the change in size can be to deal with (although my increases were always for the wrong reasons). I think as women there is this stereotype or expectation that we should be small to be attractive. I dont agree with it but its out there (I'm sure).

So enjoy the shopping for new clothes iknowing that its because you've trained hard, eaten right and built the precious muscle that your sport demands. Power to you!!



Sportsgirl said...

I know how you feel. One more size up for me and I'll be shopping at Big 'n Beautiful! :-S

Lisa said...

Big is beautiful - right?

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