Monday, June 08, 2009

WOD Tuesday 9th June

For time, perform an inverted ladder with the following two movements.

  • 10-1 reps of Burpees
  • 1-10 reps of Deadlift, 70kg

ie, 1st round is 10 burpees + 1 deadlift, 2nd round is 9 burpees + 2 deadlifts etc, last round is 1 burpee + 10 deadlifts

I did this in about 12:30 minutes. The good news is that my burpees are definitely improving, although I guess it helps to do them at the beginning of the work out rather than as a "finisher" when there is no chance of good form. I am still getting a little messy on form as I tire, but my cardio fitness is on the up!!

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