I have an excellent team supporting me, not to mention the unwavering support of my family but when that "bar is loaded" it is up to me and my preparation. Even though I have a weight management and nutrition plan, I sometimes go to training with the worry of dropping another 3 kgs. I attempt a deadlift and it is heavy, and I think it feels heavier than last comp; I must be loosing strength. I freak out that the Commonwealth Titles is less than 6 weeks away and I don't deserve to be going. Crazy thoughts.....driving me crazy!!!
Then I push out a comp PB twice in training and I am on fire and I am going to smash it at comp. What a roller coaster ride....
At Goodlife last week one of the sales consultants came up to me and said how they were talking about me, how amazing it is that I can do chin ups and that she has watched me doing my power lifting. She told me I was "Wonderwoman" - I just smiled and said thank you.
Hi Lisa,
hang in there, use your support team, stay strong and just enjoy the ride. You will ACHIEVE!! (mind you I know all about those fn mind games just be strong!!).
Thanks honey
Hey Lisa, If you werent "mental" you wouldnt be normal....so you are normal but you aint cause you are SUPER STRONG...!!! hee hee
Dont ever underestimate the power of the mind (i'm a HUGE believer in this kinda stuff) You are a CHAMPION, you're going to absolutely SMASH it :)
Half your mind must still be on holidays, kick that half in the butt and you'll be right :) ferny x
Yes Maam!
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