Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wedding fun!
This is my beautiful girlfriend Rosie and I at the wedding in Noosa last week. It was such a fun night, and really great to swap my lifting gear for high heals and crystals. A few more weeks and I plan to have a few more parties to go to before Xmas. I will still train and mix things up a bit in the gym, but nothing "serious" until the New Year.
Yesterday I reached my board press goal of 3 reps @90kgs, and in fact I got one rep at 95kgs too. It was very exciting and great to see the hard work from the year culminating at the right time. I guess Rod has to be thanked as a huge part of that as he has been guiding my bench very closely this year, and has done a fantastic job.
The next 2 weeks will really see where I am at, but a 80kg+ bench is real right now.

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